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About me

Born in NY, I was raised in a very Colombian household and in a very diverse neighborhood, which explains why my Apple Music favorites playlist every week consists of a nice mix of salsa, heavy metal and rap music. Beyond a very colorful music taste, I'm a huge fan of spending time rollerblading, reading, writing personal pieces and trying out new things.

One of those new things is blogging, something I have been interested in trying out for quite some time. As an advertising and PR major at the University of Tampa, I got a taste for blogging and pretty much all forms of multimedia journalism through many interesting classes and the wonderfully dedicated professors that taught those classes. One blogging assignment led to the birth of a video series dedicated to showcasing amazingly talented and career-focused women, some still in college!

Beyond blogging, I've found through my internships and job experiences that I love content creation, as well as the strategy that goes into figuring out that next best move. My ultimate goal? Some days, it is to have my own PR and marketing agency. Other days, it is to produce an amazing documentary. Sometimes I just want to run away to the Mediterranean and sail the ocean on my own.

But for now? I'm just creating and taking it day by day. 

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